New Chromaticity Diagram


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Last Update: July 2009              Rhodonine™ and Activa™: See Citation Page


The following figures are provided here in a browser compatible form for the convenience of the reader. In many cases, the diagrams involve too much detail to display properly in this way. Below each figure, a reference will be found within square brackets pointing to the location of a higher quality image. In many cases, obtaining that image will require downloading the Chapter of the text containing that reference.

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While the multiple zone model of color vision proposed here is not compatible with the Retinex Theory of Land, it is spectacularly successful in explaining the results of Land's experiments. It is also the only theory that has attempted to explain Land's results.

    Physiological Diagrams

    1. The PHYLOGENIC TREE from a visual perspective. The three major branches are shown.

    2. The EVOLUTIONARY TREE from a visual perspective. The role of Vitamin A2 and the newly defined Vitamin A3 are shown in proper perspective.

    3. The PROFILE VIEW OF THE HUMAN VISUAL SYSTEM provides a general orientation to the study of the visual system in humans. It shows the two distinct entry points of signals into the cortex.

    4. The PLAN VIEW OF THE HUMAN VISUAL SYSTEM provides a general orientation to the study of the visual system in humans. It shows the distinct paths related to signals associated with the Precision Optical System, the foveola and non-foveola.

    5. The GENERIC OPTICAL SYSTEM OF CHORDATA illustrates a number of important features not normally shown in the literature.

    6. The TOPOGRAPHY OF THE HUMAN RETINA portrays a fact normally obfuscated in the literature. The size of the Outer Segments of the photoreceptors do not vary significantly in size with retinal position.

    Block and Circuit Diagrams (other than cortex)

    1. The TOP LEVEL BLOCK DIAGRAM of vision shows the many functional relationships of the generic animal visual system. Many animals do not employ all of the elements shown in this figure.

    2. The TOP LEVEL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM provides more detail than the block diagram but requires more discussion to understand.

    3. The TOP LEVEL SIGNALING DIAGRAM shows how the visual system forms the various signals that are key to understanding the performance of the visual system.

    4. The TOP LEVEL SERVO DIAGRAM of vision presents a limited portion of the overall top level circuit diagram concerned with the Precision Optical System and the control of the line of sight via the oculomotor system.

    5. A SIMPLIFIED TOP LEVEL SERVO DIAGRAM of vision concentrating on the major functional blocks of the system as shown above.

    6. A COMPLETE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM of the straight through signal path of vision is available at a more detailed level. This diagram extends from the photodetection process within the passive disks to the first synapse of the brain.

    7. The generalized VOLTAGE CLAMP EXPERIMENT provides an overview of the fundamental topography and topology involved in this area.

    Block and Vector Diagrams of the cortex

    1. The SALIENCY DIAGRAM illustrates the first order topology of the human brain associated with vision. It shows a number of the feature extraction engines of the brain associated with vision.

    2. The CORTICAL BLOCK DIAGRAM illustrates the general architecture of the human cortex involved in vision. Both the servo signal and feature extraction paths are shown.

    Block and Circuit Diagrams of the neurons

    1. The FUNDAMENTAL MECHANISM UNDERLYING THE NEURAL SYSTEM shows the functional foundation below that of the morphological neuron.

    2. The RELATION BETWEEN FUNCTION AND MORPHOLOGY is described for a variety of neurons by morphological designation.

    3. The TOPOGRAPHY OF THE PHOTORECEPTOR NEURON shows the functional features of this cell and relates them to its morphology. An expanded view aids in feature identification.

    4. The PC-RPE INTERFACE describes the morphology and cytology of the relevant parts of the photoreceptor cells, the retinal pigment epithelium cells and the inter- photoreceptor cell matrix (IPM)

    Diagrams related to the spectral characteristics of vision

    1. The chemistry of the chromophores of vision are shown in the RHODONINES.

    2. The simple structural relationship between the four chromophores of vision, are shown in the RHODONINES. Their precise spectral characteristics, are also shown in a separate figure.

    3. The above spectral diagrams combine directly to generate the overall Luminous Efficiency Function and Chromaticity Diagram of human vision found in the Performance Descriptors folder.

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