New Cochlea


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Last Update: July 2009

Selected portions of the book, HEARING: A 21st CENTURY PARADIGM are available here for downloading and review. Although Chapters 1 through 8 are now published, the author would appreciate any comments concerning any of this material.

The following files are made available for downloading in a reduced resolution .PDF (portable document format)for two reasons:

The published text provides a higher resolution copy of the same material.

You must have an Acrobat Reader installed on your system to read or print out these files. The reader is available as a free download from Adobe.


Support Documents to HEARING: A 21st CENTURY PARADIGM

File TitleSize of FileStatus of file
Frontmatter: Title, Short & Long Tables of Contents
List of Figures & Preface
2.0 MBPublished
The complete GLOSSARY & Index 3.0 MBPublished
Errata to Released Volume 425 KBPublished


Main Chapters of the Text with individual indeces

File TitleSize of FileStatus of file
Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview of Hearing, 4.0 MB Published
Chapter 2, The Anatomy & Morphology of Hearing5.0 MBPublished
Chapter 3, The Electrolytic Theory of the Neuron5.7 MBPublished
Chapter 4, The Physiology of Hearing, 32.1 MB Ver. 2.0 Pub.
Chapter 5, Stage 1 Signal Generation at the OHC & IHC 8.1 MBPublished
Chapter 6, Stage 2, Signal Processing 4.3 MBPublished
Chapter 7, Stage 3 Signal Projection 8.2 MBPublished
Chapter 8, Stage 4, 5 & 6: Signal Manipulation, Cognition & Response 13.6 MBPublished
Chapter 9, Overview of system performance & path to the summary3.68 MBWorking Draft
Chapter 10, Disorders of the Auditory System     - - - MBWorking Draft

The complete text of HEARING: A 21st CENTURY PARADIGM with a composite index

The size of this file requires a high speed connection to download it successfully. Otherwise, your link may appear to freeze up. Alternately, it is available in printed form from the home page of

File TitleSize of FileStatus of file
The Full Text with composite index                                                              
281.0 MBPublished


File TitleSize of FileStatus of file
Append E Sensor Neuron Simulations35 KBBLOG type
Append F Why are Cochlea Always Coiled?
They do not work if uncoiled & why
1.3 MBPDF file
Append L Dolphin Echolocation Case Study
A major investigation into this mechanism
3.1 MBPDF file
Append M Tectorial Membrane Case Study
Details on its properties
1.1 MBPDF file
Append N Chronology of the role of the basilar membrane
Notes on Falsifying cochlear mechanics based on the basilar membrane
10 KBPDF file
Append R Human Echolocation Case Study
A remarkable seldom used capability
300 KBPDF file
Append S Language
The framework of human, and potentially more general, language
665 KBPDF file
Append W One-dimensional wave analyses
Why the methodology is flawed & Background
415 KBPDF file