Caricature of Cochlea Operation



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Soft cover, 475 pages (7" x 10"), 172 figures, Glossary and Index.    Immediate shipping.

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A 21st Century Paradigm         Review Target Audience
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HEARING CONCEPTS is proud to make available a new monograph by James T. Fulton, HEARING: A 21st CENTURY PARADIGM, summarizing the latest information on the hearing modality applicable to all biological species.   The work is both comprehensive and detailed, with thousands of citations.

The text is aimed at upper and graduate level university students pursuing a career in the biological sciences or medicine. It can be understood by lower level students and Honors students in High School. However, the terminology may require these students to make frequent reference to the readily available glossary.

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The work has been described as "encyclopedic" by an experienced researcher in the field.

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The monograph begins with a review of hearing in the context of evolution and a hearing-based phylogenic tree. The architecture of hearing found in each phylum is then addressed as the work begins to focus on human hearing. All of the major electrolytic circuits of hearing, between the inner and outer hair cells of the Organ of Corti, and the stellate cells of the brain are addressed in detail. The various phenomena of hearing are addressed by explaining the underlying mechanisms. The performance of human hearing is reviewed from the perspective of both music and speech. These perspectives include brief guides to how we analyze a complex sound and interpret its meaning.

Overview of the Chapters

I. Introduction to Biological Hearing    page 1
A review of the state of hearing research at the current time and discussion of the tools needed to move the field forward.

2. The configurations of the hearing modality    page 29
A detailed look at the scope of the human hearing system and the materials and techniques used to implement it

3. The Electrolytic Theory of the Neuron/Synapse    page 65
The first application of the electrolytic theory of the neuron to hearing and a review of the new insights available. This new paradigm replaces the chemical theory of the neuron.

4. General and Inner Ear Physiology    page 109, The first presentation describing the detailed operation of the labyrinth, cochlea and cochlear partition based on first principles.
The new paradigm based on acoustic dispersion within the tectorial membrane replaces the prior, largely conceptual, resonance within the basilar membrane paradigm developed most broadly by von Bekesy. The new paradigm is the first to offer any explanation for the rapid attenuation of frequency above the best frequency of an individual neurological channel.

5. Stage 1 Signal Generation    page 201
The first presentation describing the detailed performance of both the inner and outer hair cells in their respective sensory roles, including their dynamic roles.

6. Stage 2, Signal Processing    page 263
The architecture and both signal convergence and signal divergence encountered in the analog signaling portion of the peripheral neural system of hearing.

7. Stage 3 Signal Projection    page 293
The techniques employed to convert analog signals into action potential pulse streams for efficient signal projection and the special histographic techniques required to understand the encoding/decoding mechanisms are presented.

8. Stages 4, 5 & 6: Signal Manipulation, Cognition & Response    page 353, The first description of the mechanisms and methods used to extract information from the signal streams presented to the CNS.
Accompanied by the first appearance of “attention” in the physiology of the neural system. Insights from the acoustic imaging capability of the dolphins contribute to understanding the human hearing system.

Appendix A: Glossary    page 449
A glossary providing uniquely precise definitions of many terms, some (such as timbre and two distinct forms of pitch) made available for the first time by the new paradigm.

Index    page 471

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Additional material on the themes found within this text are available on the main website.

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